Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Worlds Largest Lonepine Koala sanctuary

YES we have it here in Brisbane Australia ! As introduced to us via Official website  its - "Rated one of the "Top 10 Zoos in the World" by AOL, Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary in Brisbane, Australia, is the world's first and largest koala sanctuary, with over 130 koalas. Cuddle a koala anytime, hand feed kangaroos and encounter a large variety of Aussie wildlife, all in beautiful, natural settings"

As you can see their motto is ""The earth is not only for humans" what a beautiful intention to build upon?

 so here is our crew !  My dear fellow ambassadors Hussain, Ming our king! and our one and only Magician James who never ceased to make me go WOW ! with his quick hands  to the right ...and of course the ladies at the back ;-)!

 Robert drove our group to the site in his Cruise vessel.I missed the trip and the "moth watering" finger food menu :-( but i met them at the entrance with my GF and my Iranian Bro <3 ! more info about the fantastic cruse journey here .

we came across this "Talkative" fella near the entrance ....the cute cockatoo entertained us all and it was so entertaining to hear surprising comebacks out of its mouth ! guess where it learned all those from ;-)?!

some notice boards that explain the common misconceptions :-)

A Year In the life of a Koala ..this was an interesting read indeed and very informative indeed <3. i could not actually zoom in to type down all the interesting facts down here ..however here are some very interesting facts that you might like to know :-)
and i found them here

Koalas are not bears. They are MARSUPIALS, which means that they carry their young in a pouch.
Koalas have two thumbs on their front paws - to help them climb, to hold onto the tree and to grip their food.
Koalas are NOCTURNAL animals. This means that they sleep in the daytime, and move around and feed at night.
Koalas' fur is different in different parts of Australia. In the southern parts of Australia it is longer and shaggier than in the north, in order to keep them warm in the cold southern winters.
The male koala has a dark scent gland in the center of his chest. He rubs this on the tree in order to mark his territory.
Koalas also communicate with each other by making a noise like a snore and then a belch, known as a "bellow"
Koalas usually have only one cub per year. Older females will usually have one every two years.
Koala babies are known by several names - "pouch young", "back young", "joeys" and "cubs".
When koalas are born, they are only 2 centimetres long, which is about as big as a jellybean!
At birth, koala joeys have no fur and their eyes and ears are still closed.
The koala joey rides in it's mother's backward-facing pouch for about 5 or 6 months, and drinks milk from its mother's nipple. after that, it rides on its mother's back until it leaves home to take care of itself at about 1 year old.
Koalas are fully grown by their third or fourth year.
Koalas do not live in rainforests or desert areas. They live in tall eucalypt ( gumtree ) forests and low eucalypt woodlands.
There are about 600 varieties of eucalypts. Koalas Australia wide eat only about 120 of these. Koalas in a specific area would prefer to eat only about 4-6 different types.
An adult koala eats about 1/2 - 1 kilogram of leaves each night.
Koalas don't normally need to drink as they get all the moisture they need from the gumleaves. However, they can drink if necessary, such as in times of drought.
A forest can only have a certain number of koalas living in it, otherwise they get hungry and sick.
The biggest problem for koalas is that their bushland ( or "habitat" ) is being cut down to make way for houses.
Eucalypts ( gumtrees) are both food and homes for the koalas.
Koalas are protected by law, but their homes and food aren't.
When koalas become upset and worried ( "stressed" ) by the loss of their homes, they may get a disease called " Chlamydia".
Dogs and cars kill many koalas each year.
Probably only between 40,000 to 80,000 koalas remain in Australia. Most of their habitat has already been lost. This makes it very important to preserve what is left.

so that was pretty self explanatory wasn't it :-)?  so back to photos !!! i love to share all of them here but i think i took one too many pics during the day!! so i have chosen a selected few and some pics need no explanation or caption ..they say it all ..
we learned that this pretty animal was a new comer!  its pretty small in size yet but it will grow in size with age ....and if i am not mistaken this animal belongs to the lizards family .

And to your left you can see one of the full grown ones ! mighty looking aren't they ?

and then we came to watch the Lorikeets eat ! wasn't that a spectacular show ! well adapted and very punctual indeed ! they all came to there designated feeding area on the dot !
THIS IS A "KODAK Moment" for me personally !!! i even have a pic where the bird that landed on my head resting on that wooden log behind me ..a split second ago !!!! the power of the DLSR !

Doesn't matter what age you are at !!! you all like a child for a moment in time !!!! this is a very enjoyable moment for 99 % of the visitors present during the feeding times and they all take a chance to hold the feeding container where the birds rush in while its held up in the air in a welcoming manner <3 and of course..we should not forget they are animals too just like any other its got fears of being attacked or  harmed..so we have to be careful not to approach them in such a manner . they will love to hang out with you as long as you treat them in a similar way .

My girlfriend enjoying the moment !!! 


Then came the kangaroos.... this is the BEST place to get to know these unique animals who uses there tail as balance...quick hoppers...i loved hanging out with them !!!! such a treat that was !


.......................and of course ... i was keeping the best for the last <3 ! the koalas !!!!

AS you can see....this was a "connecting" moment <3

  here are some more......

 lol this is one of my favorites <3 !!! i only wished i knew which topic they were discussing about ;-)!
thank you  <3 <3

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